Saturday, May 26, 2018

June 22, 1922

Addressed to:
Mr. G. Rayson Brown.
1468. E 67. St.
Chicago Illinois.

408 Marcy St.
Ottawa Ill.

Ottawa Illinois.
June 22 - 1922.

My dear Son:-

Your very precious letter came this morning, and I certainly was more than pleased to get it. Rayson I hadn't heard from my dear children since Monday, and last evening I was worried. I went to bed crying, wondering if something had happened to them, but I got a letter this morning when your's came so I am glad again. They will soon be with their Father.

Sometimes I just think I cant stand this lonesomeness any longer it surely is awful. I try and keep busy at something to get the time over. My dear boy I am so glad you wrote to Edythe, it surely will be a glad surprise for my dear girl.

Rayson if I was to tell you what I have been doing for the last three morning's, you would be apt to give me a good spanking when n you come home, it might possibly be you will notice it when you come.

It has been nice and cool here all week. Sunday it was quite cold. Well Rayson I had a glad surprise yester-day. I received a letter from a very dear friend, "Mrs Challis", in Ulysses Nebr. and she is coming to pay me a visit after the 4th. and I am going to keep her here just as long as I can. We were girl's to-gather long long ago. Now my dear Rayson while I think of it why cant you come down the evening before the 4th. You can just as well come over here and stay all night, there are tow vacant bed's here and you might just as well occupy one of them. and I will sit out on the front porch and wait for you. get a Taxi to bring you over and then you won't be so tired and you will have all the next day to visit. what do you say?

Well my dear boy I will have to stop writing and get something extra for supper. the cousin that came from N. Dacota has been in the country visiting and came back here this morning so I will have company for a day or two.

I will now bring this letter to a close. with love and best wishes to my dear Boy, I remain as ever,

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