Tuesday, June 12, 2018

July 14, 1922 ...my dear lover had the blues.

Addressed to:

Mr. G. Rayson Brown.
1468 East 67th St.,

Return address:

From. - E. G. Sisson.
5009 Whittier Blvd.
Los Angeles, Calif.


Los Angeles, Cal.,
July 14 - 1922

Dearest Rayson:

I have just finished a long letter to our dear Mother in which, I did as you suggested, I told her everything. And now I am going to write to you because my letters are away behind time.

All except one of the letters addressed to Orange Ave have arrived and that one may come also. It was all my carelessness and no fault of yours at all. The one written the tenth has just arrived and I can tell very plainly that my dear lover had the blues. It made me feel awfully sorry dear but then you know I  will still be waiting no matter if it was two months longer. I would be much better to wait instead of deserting the office entrusted to you. Besides being forever disgraced before those men who think so highly of you.

I'm afraid dear that you think this is a terrible place from my description. It isn't a bit nice out here where we will live but in the city it is quite nice. Not quite as neat looking as Chicago though. For my part I prefer Long Beach or Glendale. There are ever so many nice places around here.

There now I knew you would think just that way, that we were having a good time and forgetting you. Darling how could you think such a thing. Let you go all by yourself to see things? I should say not. Vera and I have said more than once what a good time we would have when Rayson was with us. Please dear don't feel that way about it, I wouldn't do a thing to hurt you in any way.

We ironed today, which is an all day job. We have to heat the irons on the oil stove and they don't stay hot at all. Billy made an ironing board but it was much too narrow and so we bought a new one.

It rained this morning and thundered and lightninged just like back home. Every one was very much surprised and said 'it was something unusual'. Thats what they always tell one out here.

Father thinks he may get busy and will not be able to go home. In that case some one else must  go instead and that will be me. I don't know anything for sure as yet but wouldn't mind if it were me.

Billy has been looking for work for some time but as yet has found nothing. Out here they do not pay much for his line of work. He has been staying home the last couple days glue sizing the walls (similar to priming, but done on plaster walls) and getting them ready paint. We will paint the outside gray and white and after it is finished, that is if Mother doesn't like it, we will put it up for sale.

Today the light company placed the poles on our street. The ground is so hard that they use a huge augre to drill the hole and then have a derrick which lifts and places the pole. This takes about fifteen minutes. One wonders how such hard ground will grow anything but it surely is very fertile, all it takes is a little water.

Well, dear heart, it is getting late and I must close but will write soon again. Please forgive me this time for not writing sooner and I will never do it again. Hoping this finds you well and as happy as I want you to be, I will say 'good night dear' for this time.

Lovingly as ever,
Your Edythe.

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