Wednesday, June 13, 2018

July 17, 1922 ...the Russian people had a funeral.

Addressed to:

Mr. G. Rayson Brown.
1468 East 67th St.,

Return address;

From E. G. Sisson.
5009 Whittier Blv'd.,
Los Angeles, Calif.


Los Angeles, Cal.
July 17 - 1922.

Dearest Lover:

I received all of your dear letters I think, and they make me very happy. When I read them you seem so close to me but when I have finished I am sad, you are still far away.

Not much of interest has happened since I last wrote to you. We have been staying at home, saving gasoline for when you come, dear. I sometimes wonder if the time will ever pass, when we can be together again. I am very blue tonight, dear heart, but writting to you seems to help a little. I wish a thousand times that I had never left our little Mother home alone and too I know we should have gotten along much better than Vera and I.

If you should receive a telegram saying that I am on my way home dear do not be surprised. I am going to ask Father in the morning if I may go and help pack. If so I will pack a few clothes in a bag, send you a telegram and be on my way. Please do not bank too much on this though.

Yesterday the Russian people had a funeral. Their little cemetery is only a block from here. It is their custom to walk to the grave carrying the casket and singing the prayers as they go. Such weird music, I have never heard. I could hear it ringing in my ears all the rest of the day. The women all dress in white and while they all dress old country style yet their dresses are made of the nicest material and covered with beautiful hand made lace. It is quite a showy afair.

(The Russian man that was buried that day was named Lawrence William Chernikoff. )

I will be on the watch out for those pictures of home and Mother. They will surely be appreciated. Has Mother sold the place as yet? She hadn't when last we heard. Yes dear I will write to her often, I am very sorry now that I did not stay with her.

Well dear lover this isn't what you would call a letter, there's no news in it. Will try to do better next time. It is getting late so must close, with all my love for you, dear 

I remain,
Yours forever

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