Friday, July 6, 2018

September 5, 1922 - This Happened in Missouri

Addressed to:
Mr. G. Rayson Brown.
1468 East 67th St.,

Return address:
408 Marcy St.,
Ottawa, Illinois.

Ottawa, Ill.,
Sept 5 - 1922.

My Dearest:

I have wondered so many times how you got home last night, whether you had a seat or whether you stood all those two long hours. The last I saw of you, you were putting your bag under a seat, as I supposed, but didn't see whether you sat down.

This has been another hot day hasn't it dear? Also a long lonesome one, but tomorrow will be Wednesday and then it will be no time at all until Saturday again.

After our little talk Sunday night dear, it seems that you are much nearer to me and I didn't suppose it was possible to love you any more than I did. But dearest my own I am so anxious to do every thing to make you happy, and that is the only reason that I worried.

Mother was talking to Aunt Vic this afternoon and she was very much in fighting trim but didn't know whom to start on. Yesterday she washed and then went in the front room to rest and while she was resting some small boys stole all her apples. Doesn't she have the greatest luck?

Today being the first day of school we had the quietest day the neighborhood has known for a long time.

Mother sends her love dear and wants me to enclose this little clipping she unearthed while going through the bookcase.

Well dear heart of mine as you may have guessed there isn't any news and so will close, with all my love for you, dear, I am as always and forever,
Yours only,

P.S. - The deed came back from L.A. today, dear.

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